Wednesday, November 23

Bill Cunningham's New York

My parents are fanatical New York Times readers.  They live in an area where you can't get it delivered so they buy it every single day without fail.  When they were in the Peace Corps in the 70s my grandmother would mail the Sunday editions to them.  When lived in Indiana also in the 70s, my grandmother would mail them the daily editions.  On any given evening you can fnd my parents listening to folk music, drinking red wine and sitting in their living room reading The Times.  As an adult this sounds rather appealing, as a child not so much.  Then at about age 8 I began finding the newspaper interesting, particularly the styles section.  Each week I would read about glamourous New York with total fascination.  My mother and I would also have elaborate discussions about the weddings and of course, Bill Cunningham's On the Street.
 I always felt that On the Street gave my this amazing glimpse into New York life and after having lived in New York for a couple years it seemed even more relevant.  This past weekend I finally watched the documentary Bill Cunningham's New York (yes, I know it came out last March) and honestly it was even better than I expected it to be.  Bill Cunningham's humility, sincerity, dedication, vision, artistry and passion are so incredibly amazing and inspiring. 

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